Passion for Success
Serving California since 1990

Passion for Success
Serving California since 1990

Passion for Success
Serving California since 1990
Personalized Attention to your Legal Matter
Gohar Balasanyan
From Our Blog

What to Know when Dealing with a Child Custody Case
Child custody cases can be emotionally charged and legally complex, making it crucial to be prepared. Whether you’re seeking primary custody, joint custody, or visitation rights, understanding the key elements of these cases can help you navigate the process more effectively. Here’s what you need to know: 1. The Best

The Loan Modification Process
In the dynamic landscape of real estate and finance, homeowners in California often find themselves facing unexpected challenges that can impact their ability to meet mortgage obligations. In such circumstances, a loan modification can be a lifeline, offering a viable solution to help homeowners retain their homes and regain financial

The Risks of Representing Yourself in a Family Law Case
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